Xing Mo

I like to train deep neural nets on large datasets following my idol Andrej Karpathy!

2025 - 2028
I was recommended to the School of Software of Zhejiang University, and I am about to start my postgraduate career, supervised by Prof. Chao Ni, Mainly focusing on intelligent software, especially Intelligent recommendation for development collaboration based on deep learning technology. But I still don't change my love for the basic knowledge of DL and LLM.
2024 - 2025
Internship in 规律未来(广州)智能技术有限公司, responsible for the design, research and development of AI + legal projects, mainly docking projects with developers at all ends. Enjoy the philosophy of personnel management and resource management at the same time as research and development.
2021 - 2025
Beng at the South China University of Technology with Software Engineering. This is where I first got into deep learning, attending yicai 's class and engaging in the first Greater Bay Area Data Application Innovation Competition of Team `DataDancer`, where I was the team leader(cause I was the only one in this team hhah :D) and the second place winner.
contest solutions
hierarchical-flattened-text-classification-based-on-label-filtering is a solution to the problem of hierarchical multi-label text classification in the semiconductor field.
text2sql-based-on-CHESS is a solution to the problem of text-to-sql in the finance field.
pet demos
cpp-micrograd is a micrograd made in cpp. Now it supports basic operations like add, mul, pow, relu, log, exp, tanh, sigmoid, matmul, and their backpropagation. And it also tries to be a little Tensor demo which can train little NN.
draught-chatbot [try it!] is an easy webapp which can use LLM-API quickly to do something, i.e., batch chating and web searching based on API.
Do-Not-Work-Again-After-Ten is a record of the tragedy of Internet employees in the company or at home. It's aim is to alert the world and ourselves.
chiikawa-desktop-pet is a Desktop-Pet. Who doesn't like the soft and cute cutie~
cpp-primer is a record of hand-coding with the exercise book: `C++ Primer(5th)` which mainly covers the basic knowledge and vital characticses of C++.
redis utils Lazy use redis in python.
api runner Your headless, free and batch api tester by easy configuration.
qrcode maker An easy way to generate QRCode.

The reason I'm trying is to at least roll over my mom, a strongwoman in her mid-40s who still has to figure out how to work in Hong Kong and needs to pay a large amount of labor fees due to lack of education(so-called paid to work).
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